My Photography Journey
Where it all started - Western North Carolina. After not loving the idea of photography in high school, I thought it would be fun in 2020 to get back on the horse. I mean, I was going to spend my entire summer alone in an area that had many miles of trails, without anyone regularly in sight, much less with a pandemic. It was also supposed to be spent on the internship of lifetime in outdoor recreation outside of Yosemite National Park. A crucial blow to both my imminent graduation, and the adventure bug that bit me. In reality, I’m thankful to say the trajectory went sorely upward after this. I then recorded my first 100-mile (hiking) summer, graduated subsequently in 2021 and let the Western American National Parks show me the way. I didn’t start any business until the end of 2022 but those 3 years put me in a position to appreciate my work and instill the confidence I needed to put my work out there. Only thing left to do was go and do just that.
Putting Myself Out There
I’ve been told I can make friends with a rock and personally I love making rock friends. While it helps being personable, it is no small feat to put your face on your work and offer it to the general public. Previous experiences have taught me the basic principles are most important: to be kind, honest and take full advantage of your opportunities. When it comes to the work I love doing it should be easy, right? Instead, I find it more important to simply stayed focused on the overall goal. That focus can then maximize the chance at hand. Here are some ways I try to get the most out of each interaction:
Brevity: Being concise and to the point.
Kindness: Show off your personality and be respectful in your communication.
Patience: It’s not your world; everything takes teamwork and understanding.
Persistence: Sometimes I’m told when best to circle back on a project conversation. It’s important to be on time in that sense (not early, not late).
Trust: In the process. If these things happened overnight, the feeling of success wouldn’t feel as colossal as it does.
A year later…..
My first photo from a collection with Visit Rainier this summer, to capture media for their August Newsletter. After sending this to my client, she told me how happy she was to see a cheek-to-cheek smile. There were two things going through my head in this moment: initial contact with her in July of 2022, and the culmination of work that got me to this moment. Cherish those feelings.
Lessons along the way
There were so many amazing feelings that come at the end of these processes. Some of the above tips I listed were certainly learned experiences. I will equate to the central point of taking full advantage of your opportunity. Savor the choice you made to pursue a contract with company X, show them everything you’ve got and show them why they’re lucky to have you as someone they love working with. That will also help you in this next part that I’m going to say: GET. THAT. BAG. You know your worth and the hot commodity that is your work. Of course, you’ll have to find a happy medium with your client now and again but that is only to come back stronger in your next opportunity. Just be ready to back up that talk with the walk, and make sure that work is something you’re proud to put your name on - because I promise you: if you think that, they will too!
Let Passion Light Your Way
“Nobody knows your path, not even you; until you walk it.” One of my favorite quotes ever. Life is full uncertainty and the future can be scary. Don’t look so far ahead! There’s so many questions to answer and decisions to make and yet, you have one question directly in front of you: What do I need to do to achieve what I want to achieve? Letting passion light your way does wonders for your journey. A journey that may be tough, that may have the grandest euphoria and most devastating defeats. Yet, we rise again into tomorrow. A little wiser, a little stronger and a little more sure that we will find our way.
I didn’t share my story to show you how to be a renowned and successful photographer, because that’s not what I am. I’m just someone that has dreams, enjoying each day I have to work toward those dreams.